Unterhaching – The LMGU celebrates its 50th birthday – Munich district

Michaela Trinder, headmistress of the Lise-Meitner-Gymnasium Unterhaching, did not want to bore the guests in the auditorium that evening with dates and lists. She was in too much of a party mood for that. After all: The LMGU will be 50, actually 51 in the fall, but you can’t be too specific with birthdays in times of a pandemic. Everyone is happy when they can get together again on a large scale. And so, in addition to students and teachers, all kinds of celebrities gathered in the school building.

Minister of Education Michael Piazolo had come, the district administrator and the mayor, but the headmistress was particularly pleased about her guest speaker, the director of the Tutzing Academy for Political Education, Ursula Münch. “This visit alone and also the topic of the ceremonial lecture are a statement of what the LMGU is aiming for,” said District Administrator Christoph Göbel. “Education for democracy as a panacea? Opportunities and limits of political education in view of the great upheavals” was therefore on the program between greetings and student contributions, musical performances by the school orchestra, the choir and the big band and an acrobatics performance by the gymnastics team. “I think such a celebratory lecture is an essential part of an anniversary,” says Trinder. “Political education is indispensable,” said Münch in her 30-minute statement, “the great danger is not your opponents, but indifference.” It is about taking preventive action and preparing for what is coming in terms of targeted disinformation.

The school’s gymnastics team inspires with acrobatics.

(Photo: Claus Schunk)

Looking back over five decades, Headmistress Trinder finds that there have been many great moments, but also a few storms. The LMGU, formerly GU, has fulfilled the educational and educational mandate well. What’s more, it’s about the young people being curious, knowing about connections and respecting one another. The LMGU is very interested in promoting diverse talents and interests. “What is being done here in the musical field is a high level of secondary school education,” praised the Minister of Education and attested that the LMGU also had a high level in the natural sciences – in keeping with the namesake. “We are a full-range supplier,” said Trinder at the subsequent reception.

Unterhaching: Principal Michaela Trinder.

Principal Michaela Trinder.

(Photo: Claus Schunk)

But the headmistress had brought one number with her: 3.5 million hours of lessons have been held at the LMGU so far. The district administrator also had some data ready: it was originally planned for 1,500 students, and the construction cost 23 million marks at the time.

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