Unterhaching – polar bear on the road – Munich district

The Marotte Figurentheater Karlsruhe shows on Saturday, November 13th, the play “Little polar bear don’t leave me alone!”

The little polar bear Lars, the offspring of two friendly bear parents, is as curious as he is courageous and is always on the lookout for adventures in the ice. This time he finds the little sled dog Nanuk in a crack in the ice, frees him and the two set off to look for Nanuk’s mother. The Marotte Figurentheater Karlsruhe shows on Saturday, November 13th, the play “Little polar bear don’t leave me alone!” based on the picture book by Hans de Beer in the community library Unterhaching. The dangerous journey took Lars and Nanuk to the city by the sea, where it is time to say goodbye. It is a story about solidarity and friendship for children from the age of three. The presentation in the library, Rathausplatz 11, starts at 3 p.m. Tickets cost five euros.

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