Unterhaching: lawsuit because of table tennis table – district of Munich

A local resident is determined to prevent a table tennis table from being set up in a playground near his home. However, the community is sticking with it – so the matter could now end up in court.

The table tennis table has already been delivered. This is announced by the Unterhachinger municipal administration. This is certainly good news for the children and young people who want to hit the balls over the net again after the redesign on the playground on Lohestrasse. Probably not for a local resident. Already in the summer he complained massively about the renovation plans on the playground. Now he has apparently filed a lawsuit against the municipality and its table tennis table. Hardly anyone on the council can understand that.

Most of the playground has already been redesigned. Just as the children from the area wished for. A play area around a large railway with swings and slides, climbing opportunities and the long-awaited trampoline have replaced the old, partially battered inventory. There had previously been two meetings with interested residents on the old playground between Lohestrasse and Sommerstrasse, at which the project and various possible variants were presented. A table tennis table, which had already existed before, was included in all the suggestions, because they wanted to keep it in the redesign, albeit in a different place.

The table tennis table is still missing on the new playground on Lohestrasse. It should be up by spring.

(Photo: Claus Schunk)

Because the renovations also involved a new building for the recycling collection point on the edge of this area. The old house for glass, paper and plastic waste had long since become too small and is currently being rebuilt and larger along Sommerstrasse. The previous collection point will soon be demolished and the table tennis table will be placed there. Everything should be ready next spring. In total, the community is paying 482,000 euros for this.

This summer, when the new playground equipment had already been set up, a local resident appeared at the municipal council meeting and demanded that the table tennis table be dispensed with – at least on this corner. Because he lives across the street, he apparently fears that his need for rest will be severely impaired. In the future, the table tennis table will stand in front of his bedroom window and will be massively aligned with his house. He could no longer sleep, he was at the end, he let the municipal council know during the citizens’ question time and accused the committee of “destroying” his family with the decision.

The municipal councils have looked at the situation again and see no problem

The municipal council promised the man to look at the matter again at a site visit. That’s what the local politicians did and came to the conclusion: The plate goes there, that’s not a problem, especially since there is a road and a hedge between the house and the sports equipment. Another location is out of the question because part of the playground is also to be left open space. The majority of the municipal council sees the issue as settled. Only Franz Felzmann (CSU) campaigned again for understanding for the residents. Apparently he doesn’t want to put up with it yet. Felzmann reported on a lawsuit that the man had filed.

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