Unterföhring: Unknown falls on a young woman – Munich

The screams of an attacked woman and the courageous reaction of a resident put a rapist on the run early on Saturday morning in Unterföhring (Munich district). The man grabbed the 25-year-old around 5:30 a.m. near the Unterföhring S-Bahn station, threw it to the ground and tried to rip her clothes off. The perpetrator himself is said to have been partially undressed before he was chased away. Now the police are looking for the man.

The incident happened about a five-minute walk from the S-Bahn station on the corner of Tunnelweg and Feldstraße. Residents called the police emergency number 110 because they heard screams. The operations center of the Munich police headquarters sent several patrols to the crime scene. There they found a distraught 25-year-old woman, her clothes smeared with mud. She reported that she had come back from the city center on the S-Bahn, where she had previously been with friends. Already at the train station, she noticed a man she didn’t know, who then followed her on her way. It is currently being determined whether he may have previously observed his victim on the S-Bahn.

The approximately 20-year-old man spoke to the woman in English. Then he suddenly attacked her. The 25-year-old defended herself with all her might and screamed for help. A local resident who heard the screams and witnessed the incident also shouted loudly from his balcony in the direction of the incident. The suspect then fled in an unknown direction. The 25-year-old was injured in the act.

Commissariat 15, which is responsible for sexual offenses (telephone 089/29100), is now looking for an approximately 1.80 meter tall young man of “Central or Western European” phenotype. He has dark brown hair and was wearing a white t-shirt, a light-colored denim jacket and blue pants. More than 300 cases of rape, sexual coercion or sexual assault in particularly serious cases are reported in Munich every year. In more than two thirds of these cases, the perpetrator and the victim knew each other. Attacks by strangers like now in Unterföhring are much rarer.

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