Unterföhring takes 76 million more – district of Munich

The municipality of Unterföhring can count on a better result in its annual budget than was already expected. According to the calculations of treasurer Robert Beckerbauer, the municipality will have a balance sheet improved by 76.5 million euros at the end of 2022. This is mainly due to the high income from trade tax.

A total of 40 million euros more than previously estimated will flow from the taxes from the local companies to the municipality in the northern district of Munich, a total of probably 110 million euros. That is more than other municipalities have at their disposal in terms of expenditure and income in a year. Despite the restrictions on commercial and service companies as a result of the current crises, business tax revenue in Unterföhring has developed well, the treasurer reports. As in previous years, the first estimate was also very conservative.

In addition, there is a compensation payment from the Free State of Bavaria in the amount of 9.1 million euros for reduced trade tax income in the previous year and additional income from real estate transfer tax. This plus means that Unterföhring can cover a larger proportion of the expenses for large investments such as the new building yard, the fire station and the new town hall from current income. Instead of the originally planned 112.8 million euros, the municipality will only have to take 36.3 million from its savings account. The reserves remain well filled: at the end of 2022 there should still be almost 178 million euros left.

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