Unterföhring fears expansion of the M 3 to four lanes – Munich district

In Unterföhring there is growing concern about a four-lane expansion of the M 3 district road. The reason is that the M 3, which connects the B 471 federal road and the A 99 ring road with the 2088 state road, will be upgraded to a state road at the end of the year, like the state road Freising building authority has announced. This means that in future the Free State of Bavaria will be responsible for maintaining the road, and no longer the district of Munich.

The reason for the upgrade is the location and importance of the M 3 in the road network, also for regional through traffic – it is used in particular for traffic between the A 99 and the state capital of Munich and for through traffic between Munich and the neighboring districts of the Munich district. In addition, the M 3 is the central route to the business park in the community of Unterföhring, to which many employees, especially those of the local media companies, commute every day.

In Unterföhring, this reclassification is therefore observed with eagle eyes. An expansion of the M 3 to four lanes has been under discussion for years. In the district of Munich, many fear that the M3 will serve as the only road connection to the north for the urban development measure (SEM) planned by the city of Munich around Johanneskirchen, a new neighborhood for around 30,000 people. The State Building Authority points out that upgrading the M 3 does not automatically result in an expansion. This is necessary “if traffic cannot be handled via the existing two lanes or if it is certain that future development will lead to significantly more traffic”.

At the same time, the current state road 2053, which cuts through Unterföhring and leads to Ismaning, will become a district road in the new year. Today’s M 3 will in future be called St 2340, today’s St 2053 will probably become M 13.

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