Universities: Allegations of plagiarism: Berlin Senator has work checked

Allegations of plagiarism: Berlin Senator has work checked

Are there any irregularities in her doctoral thesis entitled “Employee Consideration in Takeover Law”?: Berlin’s Senator for Transport, Manja Schreiner. photo

© Christophe Gateau/dpa

Berlin’s transport senator and CDU politician Manja Schreiner wants to have the dissertation checked by the University of Rostock after allegations against her doctoral thesis. It is unclear whether the university will comply with the request.

After Allegations of plagiarism, Berlin’s Senator for Transport, Manja Schreiner (CDU), wants to have her doctoral thesis checked. “In the coming week she will approach the University of Rostock and ask that the work be checked,” said a spokeswoman for the Senate Department for Mobility, Transport, Climate Protection and the Environment.

“It is now a question of having a lawyer examine this legally,” the spokeswoman continued. The RBB had previously reported. It is still unclear whether the university will comply with the request.

This was preceded by reports of alleged irregularities in Schreiner’s doctoral thesis entitled “Employee consideration in takeover law” from 2007. According to this, volunteers on the VroniPlag Wiki portal analyze the work and, according to their own statements, have already found several dozen text passages that are objectionable. However, the test is still ongoing, said the founder of VroniPlag Wiki, Martin Heidingsfelder, the RBB.

According to “Bild am Sonntag”, the case became public through a specialist article in the “Neue juristic weekly”. There, the Frankfurt law professor Roland Schimmel reported on so-called “pawn sacrifices” in academic papers and cited Schreiner’s work as an example. The term plagiarism hunters understand uncleanly marked text transfers from other works.


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