United Arab Emirates: Mohammed bin Sajid becomes the new president

United Arab Emirates
After the death of his half-brother: Mohammed bin Sajid becomes the new President of the Emirates

The new head of state of the United Arab Emirates: Mohammed bin Sajed

© Bandar Al-Jaloud/Saudi Royal Palace / AFP

The former Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Mohammed bin Sajid, has been elected the new President of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). He succeeds his half-brother Chalifa bin Sajid, who died on Friday.

Longtime de facto ruler Mohammed bin Sajed is the new President of the United Arab Emirates. The state news agency WMA reported on Saturday that the new ruler of Abu Dhabi had been unanimously elected president by the Supreme Council of Rulers of the seven emirates. The previous president, bin Sajed’s half-brother, Sheikh Khalifa bin Sajed al-Nahjan, died on Friday at the age of 73.

The 61-year-old Bin Sajed is now officially at the head of the Emirates, which were founded in 1971 as a state. He is the third son of the founder of the state, Sayed bin Sultan al-Nahjan. Bin Sajed’s choice was expected. In fact, he has been running the government for a long time after his half-brother suffered a stroke in 2014. He officially succeeded his half-brother as ruler of Abu Dhabi on Friday.

United Arab Emirates pursued an offensive foreign policy

Under his responsibility, the Emirates pursued a more offensive foreign policy. According to many observers, bin Sajed was responsible for sending Emirati soldiers to Yemen in 2015 to fight alongside ally Saudi Arabia against the Iran-backed Houthi rebels.

In addition, the Emirates opened their first nuclear reactor under bin Sajed’s responsibility and launched several space missions: the country sent an astronaut into space and sent a probe to Mars, among other things.

The UAE maintains good relations with the USA and since 2020 as one of the few countries in the region also with Israel. They have around ten million inhabitants and are now the second largest economy among the Arab states.

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