Uniswap Lets Users Buy Cryptocurrency Using “Debit and Credit Cards”

Uniswap Decentralized Trading Platform It has partnered with Moonpay to allow users to purchase cryptocurrencies on its web app using debit cards, credit cards and bank transfers. The bank transfer option is rolling out for users within most US states, Brazil, UK and Single Euro Payments Area known as SEPA.

In an announcement on December 20, Uniswap have specifiedthat users can convert fiat to cryptocurrency on Ethereum mainnet, Polygon, Optimism and Artibrum in minutes.

Uniswap hopes that this latest launch It streamlines the onboarding process with “no spread fees on USDC, lowest processing fees on the market, and instant access.”

MC Lader, Chief Operating Officer, Uniswap Labs, said, “User experience is a major barrier to decentralized technology adoption. And that improvement is important to Uniswap, the more users can take care of themselves. The better and more secure the user experience is.”

Supported blockchains include Arbitrum, Ethereum mainnet , Optimism and Polygon. Supported tokens at launch are: DAI, ETH, MATIC, USDC, USDT, WBTC and WETH. Generally, the minimum purchase is equivalent to 15 local currency. dollar

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