Uniswap Community approves Uniswap v3 contract deployment proposal on Polygon.

The Uniswap community has approved a regulatory proposal to deploy Uniswap v3 contracts on the Polygon PoS Chain, with the approval coming in the form of an on-chain vote, attended by more than 72.6 million users from the community.

Uniswap Labs announced the adoption of its vote-based Uniswap v3 contract, with over 99.3% approval and will be funded by $20 million — split between $15 million for its long-term liquidity mining campaign and $5 million for its long-term liquidity mining campaign. Implementing Uniswap on Polygon (MATIC)

Bjelic also announced that it was a good time for Uniswap to deploy Polygon, citing their position as “the second strongest DeFi ecosystem after Ethereum L1,” with the operator sharing a stimulus. To create acceptance of Uniswap both in finance and technology.

“Deploying on Polygon PoS brings many benefits” such as user base growth, huge savings for users, higher user activity, higher revenue. , and a return to the original DeFi vision

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