Uniswap Blocks 250+ Crypto Wallets Related to DeFi Crime

Uniswap, a popular decentralized exchange (DEX), canBlock 253 Crypto Walletswhich is apparently linked to Tornado Cash, or stolen money, according toInformation on GitHub atCited by Yearn Finance developer “Banteg”.

These wallets are sanctioned by the US government. Or, money has been hacked or stolen directly from a number of crypto platforms in the past few years.

The 253 wallets are still able to use Uniswap smart contracts. However, they do not have access to the Uniswap website, which is a frontend managed and maintained by the New York company Uniswap Labs.

“Of course it doesn’t make sense to block it,” Banteg said, pointing out that it has a burn wallet as one of 253 blocked wallets. And other wallets that Banteg noted are only connected to bad wallets. and may not be directly related to heinous activities.

The 13 wallets blocked by Uniswap are linked to the Ethereum Name Service (ENS) domain name, a service that links cryptocurrency wallets to human-readable names. Banteg added: “Most are users. legally damaged by trm collateral.”

Uniswap is currently working with blockchain analytics firm TRM Labs to track user wallet activity as part of a broader risk-management drive.

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