Unfilled job offers are a “marginal” phenomenon according to Pôle Emploi

Many unfilled job offers while there are unemployed? Pôle Emploi undermines this idea often put forward in public debate by showing its “marginal” side compared to hiring each year in France. In 2021, between 255,000 and 390,000 recruitments were thus abandoned for lack of candidates, according to an estimate by Pôle emploi published Thursday. A figure slightly higher than in the previous study of 2018 (210,000 to 350,000) but compared to the 9 million recruitments of more than a month made last year and the 28 million French people in employment.

“The number of unfilled vacancies is extremely modest and has a marginal impact on the economy”, summarizes Stéphane Ducatez, “Mister statistics” from Pôle emploi. Especially since if we reason in “full-time equivalent”, this range is only “180,000 to 273,000 jobs”. Pôle Emploi calculated this range by extrapolating on closed job offers (filled or abandoned) in the third quarter of 2021, in a context where the labor market was coming back to life with the lifting of health restrictions in June.

The difficulty of recruitment, a simple “feeling”

According to this survey of 8,000 companies, 85.9% of the offers withdrawn from the lists were filled (89.4% in 2018). About 3% were canceled following the disappearance of the need, 5.1% were subject to recruitment in progress and 6% had been abandoned for lack of the right candidate (4.9% in 2018). Half of the offers filled were filled in less than 45 days, a stable time compared to 2018.

“This allows the debate to rest well”, judges Stéphane Ducatez, while the government, the Medef, the Banque de France or the Insee alert on the difficulties of recruitment almost daily, seeing it as a brake on growth. Mr. Ducatez recalls that “every day, 25,000 contracts of more than one month are signed in France, including 12,000 permanent contracts”.

However, the operator does not deny the difficulties of recruitment. Employers are more numerous (68% against 57% in 2018) to notice them, particularly in construction (75%) and for skilled worker positions (79%).

“But a difficulty is a feeling that does not prejudge the outcome of the recruitment. In the end, the hiring is done and in good time but not under the conditions imagined at the start”, summarizes Stéphane Ducatez. In fact, two thirds of employers say they have broadened their search to different profiles (less experienced or less trained), a third have increased the compensation offered and a third have offered better working conditions.

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