Unemployment: Unédic predicts a catastrophe with the new reform

A third of beneficiaries would lose out, according to the most unfavorable hypothesis for the unemployed chosen by the government for its new reform, according to Unédic. In an internal document presented to its administrators on Friday May 17, the organization managing the compensation scheme studied the consequences of possible scenarios to achieve savings on unemployment insurance.

The contours of the new reform still remain unclear. But, in March, the Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, mentioned the three possible levers: the duration, the level of compensation and the conditions of affiliation – i.e. the time worked necessary to be compensated. According to the document revealed by the world, 11% of beneficiaries would be affected if the affiliation conditions were increased from six months today to seven months, for a saving of 400 million euros. The estimate would rise to 31% if it were twelve months (2.3 billion savings).

“We are on poverty traps”

The first victims would be those unemployed under the age of 25 or those leaving a fixed-term or temporary contract. Olivier Guivarch, CFDT unemployment insurance negotiator, assures AFP that “the people furthest from employment and quality employment” will be the most affected, before being sorry: “We are in poverty traps. »

As for the other levers, a reduction to twelve months in the duration of compensation, instead of the current eighteen months, for those under 53, would result in less coverage for 45% of beneficiaries and expenses reduced by nearly 6 billion for Unédic. This time, those over 25 with higher than average compensation or after a conventional termination would be the most penalized.

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