Unemployment insurance: the end of the great social lie

We must welcome the tightening of the conditions of access and compensation to unemployment insurance. This reform imposed on the social partners by the Minister of Labor sends a quadruple signal to the French. A message of courage, in a country accustomed to shameful and lame reformism. Hope too, because, yes, mass unemployment is not inevitable. Budgetary discipline, timely before S&P measures our chronic financial disorder. Finally, realism: the supply policy bears fruit when it is continued over time.

“Constancy, consistency, confidence: we stay the course, because our strategy is the right one,” declared to The Express Emmanuel Macron. The proof, therefore, is the new unemployment insurance, with its promise of 90,000 jobs created and 3.6 billion euros in savings. It is a shame, however, that the President does not pursue the argument further. Curbing the generosity of a bankrupt welfare state and reducing small arrangements with a social model that removes responsibility, such is now the imperative. Unless we feed the big lie of a national counter capable of issuing bogus checks ad vitam aeternam, in the name of the fight for purchasing power and equality…

A drama of at-the-same-timeism, the government is damaging its policy of truth with old reflexes of spendthrift statism and administrative intrusion. It thus hides the essential: social progress no longer resides in new rights financed on credit, but first of all in renewed conditions towards autonomy through work. None of our leaders have managed to impose this paradigm shift in half a century of deficits and cowardice. Emmanuel Macron knows that he can leave a mark if France achieves full employment. By breaking the dead-end culture of always more, he would leave a mark.

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