Underpaid and unnoticed: This is how people who are too nice are exploited at work – and they can do it

Martin Wehrle is considered the best-known career advisor in Germany and warns: People who are too nice burn out more quickly at work, do less important tasks and are more likely to be overlooked. Here he reveals how to assert yourself.

Mr. Wehrle, how do you know that you are too nice at work?
There are various clues. First: I give a lot but get little in return. So I do work for my colleagues, but nobody helps me. Second: I am not taken seriously, say something in the meeting, but no one listens to me. Then someone else says almost the same thing and gets praised for it. This shows that I am not being properly perceived.

What can you do about it?
Too nice people often make themselves and their ideas small.

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