Uncertainties about the reopening of nightclubs on January 6

A difficult return to the closed box for the nightlife. The discos did not know this Tuesday evening, at the end of a first consultation meeting with the Ministry of the Economy, whether or not they will be able to reopen as planned on January 6, announced an employer official in the sector.

“We have not had an answer: Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne has not commented on the date of our reopening,” said Thierry Fontaine, president of the night branch of the main union of the hotel and catering industry, the Umih.

1,600 nightclubs closed

This Tuesday afternoon, the day after the government’s announcement of new measures to combat the Omicron outbreak, professionals in the sector were brought together by the Minister Delegate in charge of SMEs Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, during a conference call.

The owners of the 1,600 nightclubs in France closed since December 6 are in uncertainty: neither Prime Minister Jean Castex nor Minister of Health Olivier Véran have, the day before, mentioned their fate by announcing restrictions, to the from a Health Defense Council.

But they believe the extension of their closure, after the announcement of the ban, from January 3 and for three weeks, of standing consumption in bars and cafes, as well as standing concerts, is likely. Asked this Tuesday, neither Bercy nor Matignon provided details on the case of nightclubs.

A consultation in preparation

“We felt a real commitment to recognize more of our night jobs,” said Thierry Fontaine. The minister “recognized that we were the most impacted by the crisis and that leaving with empty treasuries and repaying the loans guaranteed by the State, after this new closure, when we have already been closed for 15 months, will be very complicated, ”he said. A consultation is planned in the coming days with the Ministry of the Economy on future aid for companies whose activity is subject to restrictions.

Without going until the curfew on December 31 – much to the relief of professionals – or postponing the start of the school year, Jean Castex announced a return of the gauges for large gatherings, set at 2,000 people indoors and 5,000 outdoors, and the compulsory use of teleworking in companies when possible. Food and drink consumption in cinemas, theaters, sports facilities and public transport have also been banned.

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