Unappetizing vandalism: dog toilets in Oberpframmern blown up – Ebersberg

Several rubbish bins for dog waste in the Oberpframmern municipality were massively damaged by fireworks on New Year’s Eve. The police are assuming willful damage to property, New Year’s firecrackers were ignited and then thrown into the dog toilets. The containers of the rubbish bins were all destroyed and had to be replaced by the municipality.

The trash cans that were destroyed were located on the corner of Siegertsbrunner Strasse and Amselweg, on the sidewalk that leads from Siegertsbrunner Strasse in the direction of Am Stierberg and on the road that runs past the edge of the forest in the Aich industrial park.

People, especially residents, who can provide relevant information are asked to contact the Ebersberg Police Inspectorate on (08092) 8268-0.

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