“Unacceptable”, “catastrophic”, Bruno Genesio unsolders his players after the defeat

Account settlement at Stade Rennais. With the Covid-19 and its share of health restrictions, we had forgotten that a post-match press conference could still be crisp. Fortunately, Bruno Genesio is not a man to use the tongue of wood. And Saturday evening after the game lost on the wire (1-0) against the Sang et Or, the Rennes coach gave a big rant in the direction of his players.

Beyond the result, it is especially the performance of his team, unable to frame the slightest shot, which angered the Breton technician. “It’s a non-match, a catastrophic match. Almost no opportunity was obtained. It is an unacceptable performance, to be quickly forgotten, and which will require a big questioning from everyone, ”said Genesio.

“We can only blame us, look each other in the face and react quickly”

It must be said that the bad results are linked among the Bretons. Second in Ligue 1 at the start of December, Rennes have just recorded a third straight defeat in the league. To this black series is added an inglorious elimination last Sunday in Nancy, last in Ligue 2, in the round of 16 of the Coupe de France.

Enough to quickly come back to earth for a team, now fourth, which has fallen asleep on its laurels and sees its competitors for Europe come back on its heels. “By dint of hearing that we are one of the best in France, that we play well… I think it is time to get back to the basics and behave again as a team. We can only blame ourselves, look each other in the face and react quickly, ”added Genesio.

A message received five out of five by players aware of their current limits like Benjamin Bourigeaud. “I think it’s a problem of behavior, of state of mind. This is not worrying but we will have to get back to work and question ourselves individually and collectively, ”hammered the Rennes captain at a press conference. The disease has been diagnosed, it remains to find a remedy quickly so as not to sink into the crisis.

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