UN should mediate: Ukraine proposes peace summit

Status: 12/27/2022 1:04 p.m

The Ukrainian government has proposed an international summit meeting to discuss possibilities for peace. High hurdles were set for direct negotiations with Russia. The UN reacted cautiously.

By Stephan Laack, WDR, for the ARD studio in Moscow

Sounding out possibilities for peace in the Ukraine – according to the will of the Ukraine, an internationally attended peace summit should bring new impetus to this. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba suggested holding such a conference in February. He sees UN Secretary-General António Guterres as a mediator. It has to be about getting everyone on board, says Kuleba.

However, he also added that the Kremlin must first stand trial for war crimes before an international tribunal before his country can negotiate directly with Russia. In addition, despite repeated statements, he could not see any real willingness to negotiate on the Russian side anyway. In any case, the deeds on the battlefield would speak a different language.

Cautious reaction from the UN

Apparently, Kuleba hopes that diplomatic pressure can be exerted on Moscow through a major summit. Other states should be free to talk to Russia, similar to the grain agreement that came about on the initiative of the UN and Turkey.

However, the United Nations reacted cautiously to Kuleba’s suggestion: According to a UN spokeswoman, mediation can only take place if all parties want it. Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin said on Sunday that Russia, unlike Ukraine and Western supporters, was ready to hold talks with all parties involved in the conflict.

Lavrov: Ukraine must meet all demands

Kyiv not only insists on a war crimes tribunal against Russia, but also that the government in Moscow must withdraw all troops from Ukraine, including from the illegally annexed areas. Russia, on the other hand, regards them as its own territory.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said today that Ukraine must meet all of Russia’s demands – otherwise the Russian military will see to it that interests are implemented: recognition of the occupied territories, demilitarization and what Moscow calls denazification of Ukraine, as well as security guarantees.

Kyiv proposes international peace summit

Stephan Laack, WDR, 27.12.2022 12:46 p.m

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