UN Security Council: Russia vetoed resolution on climate change

Global warming
Russia calls UN Security Council resolution on climate change “unacceptable” – and vetoed it

Russia’s UN representative Vasily Nebensia

© Pacific Press Agency / Imago Images

With a veto in the UN Security Council, Russia prevented a resolution on climate change and international security. For this, the country received sharp criticism from Germany and the USA.

In the most powerful body of the United Nations, twelve of the 15 member states voted on Monday for the resolution text presented by Ireland and Niger. In addition to the veto power of Russia, India, which has no veto power, also voted against the text. China abstained.

The text was intended to urge UN Secretary General António Guterres to include security risks resulting from global warming as a central element in strategies for conflict prevention by the UN. A report on the effects of climate change on international security was also requested. 113 countries stood behind the text, including Germany, and thus a clear majority of the UN member states.

German ambassador describes Russian veto as “deeply disappointing”

The German ambassador to the United Nations, Antje Leendertse, described the Russian veto on Monday as “deeply disappointing”. “The climate crisis is a serious challenge for peace and security, for stability and prosperity, for the effective exercise of human rights and in some cases even for the existence of states,” explained Leendertse. “This resolution would have given the United Nations the tools it urgently needed to deal with security risks in the context of climate change.”

The US ambassador to the United States, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, criticized that there was “no justification” for the Russian veto. “The climate crisis is a security crisis.”

Russia’s UN representative Vasily Nebensia, on the other hand, described the draft resolution as “unacceptable”. For example, it is far from clear that there is a connection between climate change and terrorism. The resolution threatens to cause “confusion and duplication”. As one of five permanent members in the UN Security Council, Russia, like China, France, Great Britain and the USA, has a right of veto – and makes use of it again and again.


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