UN report on migration: Flight ends in death for tens of thousands

Status: 11/23/2022 8:25 p.m

Since 2014, more than 50,000 people have died on escape routes around the world. UN experts criticize that governments in the countries of origin, transit and destination are doing too little to prevent this.

According to the UN, more than 50,000 people have lost their lives on global migration routes since 2014. Despite the many deaths, the governments of the affected countries have done too little to protect children, women and men, the International Organization for Migration, IOM, said in Berlin.

Identity of many victims unknown

Nationality and origin of more than 30,000 victims are unknown. Thus, in the case of these people, as a rule, no family members could be notified.

According to the IOM, more than 9,000 of the migrants who died and whose nationality could be determined came from African countries, over 6,500 from Asia and 3,000 from American countries. The three most important countries of origin, Afghanistan, Syria and Myanmar, are characterized by conflicts. The violence forces people to flee.

Mediterranean remains riskiest route

According to the information, the most dangerous routes run across the Mediterranean Sea to Europe, where at least 25,104 people have died since 2014. Africa is the region with the second highest number of deaths from migration. More than 9,000 deaths during migration have been documented on the continent since 2014.

Almost 7,000 deaths were recorded on the American continent, most of them on the routes to the USA – with almost 4,700 fatalities. More than 4,000 people have died at the US-Mexico land border alone since 2014.

Migration researchers suspect the number of unreported cases

Based in Geneva, the IOM is part of the United Nations and maintains a global analysis center in Berlin. The collection of data on migrants who died began in 2014. Migration researchers assume that there are also unreported cases because not all cases are recorded.

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