Ulm District Court: High prison sentences for attempted murder of a police officer

Et is the night of February 8th of this year when a group of young men ambushed Raphael (name changed from ed.) in an alley in downtown Ulm and beat him beyond recognition. Only a few minutes decide about the life of the policeman. If his colleagues hadn’t rushed to his aid so quickly, he might have died from his injuries.

The brothers Batuhan B., 24, and Emirkan B., 18, as well as their friends Nikola L., 25, and the then 13-year-old Mustafa M. actually have a different plan that evening: They want a restaurant near the Kornhausplatz – later the crime scene. Because Batuhan B. and Nikola L. were kicked out at home and their parents no longer support them financially, they urgently need money.

Batuhan B. and Nikola L. in particular are a well-established team. It’s not their first crime together. The group quickly splits up, the two of them disappear into the alleys and cut off Raphael’s path. He meets two of them first, thinking they’re running away from him. As if out of nowhere, all four of them suddenly surround him. He knows he has to fight. And that he is inferior to the four young men. He advises them to run away. He informed the police that they were still on the line.

At 1:21 a.m. his 911 call ended abruptly.

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