Ukrainians in Fürstenfeldbruck: How the war changed people – Bavaria

What is the attack on Ukraine doing to the lives of those confronted with the suffering of the victims and the horror of the destruction? Six refugees and helpers report how the war changed them.

Protocols by Florian J. Haamann, Fürstenfeldbruck

It’s been a year since Russian troops invaded Ukraine. The great suffering that has swept across the country since then extends to the district. It burdens the families who have managed to flee, but who have lost relatives and have to laboriously build a new life. It also applies to the numerous helpers who look after the refugees on site and are confronted with their traumata, but also with the unwillingness of the authorities. And it forever changed the lives of those Brucker helpers who traveled countless times to the war zone with aid convoys. Some of these people should be given the opportunity to report on their experiences over the past twelve months.

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