Ukrainian woman reunited with her dog after bomb attack

Watch the video: Heartwarming moment: Ukrainian woman reunited with her dog after bomb attack

Heartwarming moment: Ukrainian woman is reunited with her dog after bomb attack

An unexpected reunion in Kherson.

This frightened dog had been missing for a month.

During the city’s recent shelling, Jack runs away to seek shelter.

A group of veterans spot him while luring escaped pets with animal feed.

The emaciated dog runs towards them on the outskirts of a village.

After talking to the villagers, the owner was quickly found.

When the woman discovers her dog in the rescuers’ car, her joy is visibly great.

She frees Jack from the cage.

For a month, the owner did not know what had happened to her dog.

“It gives us great satisfaction to know that we were able to bring home a lost soul.” – Veteran, K9 Global Rescue

The woman thanks the veterans several times and can hardly believe her luck.

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