Ukrainian Prime Minister in Berlin: Schmyhal calls for more heavy weapons

Status: 04.09.2022 8:35 p.m

According to Ukrainian Prime Minister Schmyhal, the talks with Chancellor Scholz and Federal President Steinmeier were “very fruitful”. He thanked Germany for the support, but at the same time called for more heavy weapons.

During his visit to Berlin, Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Schmyhal asked for more heavy weapons to be delivered to his country. According to his office, at a meeting with Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Schmyhal emphasized how important it is for his country that arms deliveries be “increased”. The reconstruction of Ukraine was also a central topic at meetings with Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Federal Development Minister Svenja Schulze (both SPD).

Ukraine hopes that Germany will play a “leading role” in air defense against Russian attackers. The Type 2000 self-propelled howitzers supplied by Germany and the Mars II rocket launchers had “proven themselves on the battlefield,” Schmygal said at the meeting with the Federal President in Bellevue Castle. “We hope that deliveries of heavy weapons can be expanded,” he added.

During the hour-long meeting, Steinmeier assured the guest from Kyiv that Germany would “continue to stand in reliable solidarity with Ukraine,” said the President’s spokeswoman. The two politicians also exchanged views on “help with the reconstruction of Ukraine”.

Understanding of debate in Germany

In an interview with the daily topics thanks Schmyhal Germany for the support. He called the talks with Scholz and Steinmeier “very fruitful”. He also expressed understanding for the discussions in Germany with a view to the next heating period. Russia is also waging a hybrid war against Europe on the energy supply level. In the past few days, criticism has sometimes been raised that the debates about heating costs and the like in Germany are disproportionate to the situation of the people in Ukraine.

Schmyhal reiterated the goal of recapturing Crimea from Russia as well. The army and society are prepared for this – after “all the atrocities” committed by the Russian army in Ukraine. “Everyone saw what is happening in the occupied territories, everyone saw Mariupol,” he said in the interview. In 2014, Russia annexed the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea, which belongs to Ukraine.

Denys Schmyhal, Prime Minister of Ukraine, on the situation in Ukraine and the conversation with Federal President Steinmeier

daily topics 11:20 p.m., 4.9.2022

Scholz: Reforms in the judicial system are important

After meeting Steinmeier, Schmyhal was received by Scholz with military honours. They exchanged views on the military, humanitarian and economic situation in Ukraine, as announced by government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit. The Chancellor assured that Germany would not let up in supporting Ukraine militarily, but also politically, financially and humanitarianally.

According to Schmyhal, he also spoke to Scholz about a possible delivery of Leopard 2 main battle tanks. “We even suggested how Germany could supply Ukraine with these tanks,” Schmyhal said. But he could not give any details. When asked if he was optimistic that the main battle tanks would eventually be delivered, Schmyhal said, “I’m always optimistic.”

Scholz encouraged Schmyhal in his reform course with a view to EU accession. Reforms in the areas of the rule of law and the judicial system are just as important in attracting investment for reconstruction, it said in a statement. In June, the EU heads of state and government decided to grant Ukraine candidate status. From Berlin, Schmyhal travels on to Brussels. Among other things, he holds talks with EU representatives.

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