Ukraine: Zelensky calls situation near Vovchansk “extremely difficult”

Defense against Russia
Zelensky calls the situation near Vovchansk “extremely difficult” and warns against unnecessary panic

Volodymyr Zelensky, President of Ukraine, is particularly concerned about the situation

© Zuma Wire / Imago Images

In Ukraine, Russia is trying to strain the Ukrainian troops through advances on different sections of the front. President Zelensky also warns against “Russian information operations.”

The Ukrainian defenders and the Russian invaders duke it out in the far northeast of the Ukraine heavy fighting. The Russian offensive in the region is affecting more and more towns, President Volodymyr Zelensky said in his video address on Sunday evening. “There are villages that have turned from a ‘gray zone’ into a combat zone, and the occupiers are trying to gain a foothold in some of them or simply use them to further advance,” he said, describing the situation. With this offensive and with advances on other sectors of the front, the Russian military is trying to strain the Ukrainian forces to the utmost.

Above all, the situation around the city of Vovchansk is “extremely difficult”. Vovchansk originally had almost 19,000 inhabitants, of which, according to official information, almost 500 remained in the city, which was under constant fire. The place has now become the focal point of the current fighting.

Zelensky spoke of Ukrainian counterattacks and fierce resistance from his country’s armed forces. “Our task is obvious – we must inflict as many casualties on the occupier as possible,” he said.

“Russia feeds on lies and fear”

At the same time, Zelensky warned the Ukrainian population against unnecessary panic. “Russian information operations are always the fodder for Russian ground operations,” he said. “The occupier feeds on lies and the resulting fear.” That’s why he advises “not to be guided by emotions, not to chase the headlines, to check every report and look for information, not emotions or rumors, and to trust the Ukrainian Defense Forces.”

US Secretary of State: Ukraine can hold lines

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in an interview with CBS that the Ukrainian armed forces would hold their positions near Kharkiv. Ukraine will also successfully counter Russian aggression on other fronts. The USA also remained on Ukraine’s side, as did over 50 other states that supported the country. “It will stay that way, and if (Kremlin leader Vladimir) Putin thinks he will outlast Ukraine and its supporters, then he is wrong.”

Dead and injured: residential building collapses in the Russian border region of Belgorod

At least 13 people died in several attacks on Sunday in the Russian border region of Belgorod, which borders Kharkiv. First, a multi-story residential building was severely damaged in an attack. Russia’s Defense Ministry said the house was hit by falling debris from a Ukrainian Tochka-U missile. This could not initially be verified independently. During the rescue work there was another rocket alarm. According to military information, several missiles were intercepted. However, there were additional victims in these new attacks. The number of people injured in the various attacks was put at 31.

In the evening, attacks by the Ukrainian armed forces were also reported in the Kursk region. At least seven people were injured, the authorities told the Tass agency. The regions near the border with Ukraine have been repeatedly attacked with rockets and artillery in recent months.

Russia’s “Turtle” tank in analysis: Simple but effective

02:32 mins

Chancellor Olaf Scholz will meet in Sweden on Monday with the heads of government of Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Norway. This includes, among other things, the security situation in Europe and supporting Ukraine in its defensive battle against Russia.


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