Ukraine War: Zelenskyy says Russia ready for dialogue

Ukraine war
Zelenskyy: Russia ready for dialogue – Moscow: Evacuation of Mariupol failed again

A woman hugs her child at a hospital in Mariupol. Two more of their children were killed in an attack on the city. Another attempt to evacuate the embattled city failed on Saturday.

© Evgeniy Maloletka/AP/DPA

In Russia’s war against Ukraine, the capital Kyiv is once again in the spotlight. Further air raids are also being reported from the west of the country, not far from the border with Poland. Follow the developments on War Day 17 in the star-Live blog.

Several cities in Ukraine reported renewed fighting and shelling on Saturday night. “Scumbags, they won’t let us sleep,” Vitaly Kim, the governor of the southern Ukrainian region of Mykolayiv, wrote on Telegram on Saturday night. A few hours earlier, he had told a Ukrainian TV station that at least one person had been injured in the city of Mykolaiv and that several houses and cars had been damaged. Two fires also broke out in the city due to rocket fire. According to a local official, the city’s cancer clinic was also damaged.

In the capital Kyiv, flight alarms were triggered at least three times on Saturday night. According to CNN, “minutes of” shelling could be heard in the city from afar on Saturday morning. According to Ukrainian military information, the capital, like Mariupol, is under a “state of siege”. Ukraine’s General Staff warned that the Russian army was trying to knock out defenses west and north-west of the capital in a bid to “blockade” Kyiv. Meanwhile, the Russian army is also approaching the city from the north-east. Ukrainian soldiers told AFP reporters of fierce fighting for control of the main highway leading to Kyiv near Velyka Dymerka.

The most important news of the day in brief:

  • Zelenskyy: Russia signals readiness for dialogue
  • seven Killed in shelling of an escape corridor near Kyiv
  • Zelenskyy: Russian army with heaviest losses for decades
  • Russia threatens to do so Attacks on western arms shipments
  • all around Kyiv there are Russian offensives on the northern city limits near Sazymja and to the south near Wyschenky, the Ukrainian general staff announced on Saturday night. These offensives are in some areas partly successful.
  • Russia has the targets of the night Attacks on western Ukraine expanded. Russian Air Force strategic bombers cruise missile in the cities Lutsk, Ivano-Frankivsk near the city of Lviv and in the south of the country Dnipro have used.
  • At the former nuclear power plant Chernobyl technicians managed to part of the repair power lines. This was reported by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna on Friday evening, citing the Ukrainian operator.

Ukraine War Day 17 – Liveblog

  • DieterHoss

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj sees the first changes in Russia’s position after the stubborn military resistance of the Ukrainians. “Now they have started talking about something – and not just making ultimatums,” he told international journalists in Kyiv on Saturday. In his own words, the 44-year-old is satisfied with it because it the first time in over two years may be, that Moscow is ready for a dialogue.

    Russia’s President Vladimir Putin had already spoken of movement in the negotiations on Friday. The Russian negotiators had informed about “certain positive changes” in the “practically daily” talks. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told the Interfax agency, the talks would now be held in online format. Ukraine confirmed this.

    However, according to Unian agency, Zelenskyj considers the inclusion of Ukraine’s western partners in the negotiations to be insufficient. Referring to security guarantees for his country, he said Ukraine “cannot trust Russia after such a bloody war.”

  • DieterHoss

    In the port city of Mariupol in southeastern Ukraine, which was besieged by the Russian army, a new attempt to evacuate civilians has failed, according to Russian sources. 50 buses could not leave because of shelling, said Colonel General Mikhail Mizintsev from the Ministry of Defense in Moscow, according to the Interfax news agency. Several Orthodox clergymen have agreed to accompany residents as they leave the besieged city. Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk said the column was held at a checkpoint for five hours. There should be another attempt on Sunday. Russia, on the other hand, accused Ukrainian “nationalists”. That couldn’t be verified.

  • DieterHoss

    According to the Ukrainian military intelligence service, seven residents were killed during the evacuation of a village east of the Ukrainian capital Kyiv. The villagers wanted to leave Peremoha when there was a shelling, the secret service said. Ukraine blamed Russian troops for it. This information could not be verified. “The protection of civilians in armed conflicts is governed by international humanitarian law,” the Facebook statement said. Deliberate attacks are therefore to be equated with war crimes.

  • DieterHoss

    Israel has denied claims by a Ukrainian official that Prime Minister Naftali Bennett was urging Kyiv to accept Moscow’s terms to end the attack on Ukraine. A spokeswoman for the Israeli head of government described a corresponding report as “simply wrong”. “At no point did Bennett advise Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to agree to a corresponding agreement with Kremlin boss Vladimir Putin,” she said in the evening. Bennett has not “told the Ukrainian President how to behave, and he has no intention of doing so,” she added.

  • DieterHoss

  • DieterHoss

    The Russian army says it destroyed 79 military installations in attacks in Ukraine on Saturday. Among them were four command and control centers of the Ukrainian armed forces, said Igor Konashenkov, spokesman for the Russian Defense Ministry, according to the Interfax news agency. Attacks were also flown on six ammunition and fuel depots. A Ukrainian Mi-24 attack helicopter and three drones were also shot down. According to the spokesman, a total of 3,593 Ukrainian military facilities have been destroyed since the war began more than two weeks ago. Russia claims to attack only military targets and not civilian objects. This information cannot be independently verified.

  • Niels Kruse

    Volodymyr Selenskyj has Jerusalem as a possible place for negotiations on an end to the war proposed with Russian President Vladimir Putin. “Today it is not constructive to meet in Russia, in Ukraine or in Belarus. These are not the places where we can find understanding for ending the war,” he said. Either Both Selensky and Putin had recently called Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett repeatedlywho had personally met the Kremlin boss in Moscow a week ago.

  • Niels Kruse

  • Niels Kruse

    Chancellor Olaf Scholz and the French President Emmanuel Macron have the Russian President Vladimir Putin on an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine asked. Scholz and Macron also pushed for a diplomatic solution to the conflict. This was announced by government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit after a phone call between Scholz and Macron and Putin. The Kremlin said of the conversation that Putin had Scholz and Macron about the “actual status” informed of the situation in Ukraine. Above all, the Russian President addressed numerous cases of massive human rights violations by Ukrainian security forces. Russia claims that a “genocide” against the Russian population is taking place in eastern Ukraine. There is no evidence for this.

  • Niels Kruse

  • Niels Kruse

    Ukraine expects new wave of attacks on Kyiv and other cities – Video–weitere-attackswelle-auf-kiew-und-andere-staedte-erwartt-31695476.html

  • Niels Kruse

    According to the President of Ukraine, the Russian armed forces have Volodymyr Zelenskyy sustained significant casualties since beginning their attack on Ukraine. “This is the biggest blow to the Russian army in decades”, he said in a video message. “Nowhere has she lost more in so few days,” said Selenskjy. “Our armed forces are doing everything to discourage the enemy from continuing the war against Ukraine. The losses of the Russian troops are colossal.”
    According to Ukrainian data, more than Destroyed 360 Russian tanks and more than 1,200 other armored vehicles, as well as about 60 fighter jets and 80 helicopters. The army lost more than 12,000 soldiers. The information cannot be independently verified.

  • Niels Kruse

    Since the beginning of the Russian attack on Ukraine 122,837 people from the country to Germany come, as announced by the Federal Ministry of the Interior. However, since there are no fixed border controls at the internal borders, the number of war refugees entering Germany could actually be significantly higher. According to the UN, more than 2.5 million people from Ukraine have already sought refuge abroad.

  • Niels Kruse

    Supposedly to protect against Ukrainian attacks, the authoritarian government sent them Belarus sent five battle groups to its southern border. The units, together with border guard troops, should prevent “nationalist armed formations” from seeping into Belarus from Ukraine, said Deputy Defense Minister Viktor Gulevich. “The troop movements are in no way related to the preparation and even less to the participation of Belarusian soldiers in the special operation on the territory of Ukraine.” the Ukraine accuses the neighboring country of planning to enter the war on the side of Russia.

  • Niels Kruse

    Spontaneous street renaming Seat of the Ukrainian conusate in Edinburgh


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