Ukraine war: Zelenskyj wants to negotiate directly with Putin (video)

Watch the video: Selenskyj wants to negotiate directly with Putin – and comments on the killed US journalist.

STORY: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is pushing for direct talks between himself and the Russian President. “Our delegation has a clear task – to do everything to make a meeting of the presidents possible,” said Zelenskyy in a video address late Sunday evening. Ukraine has repeatedly pointed out that President Vladimir Putin makes all final decisions. The Kremlin said it would not refuse such a meeting if “specific issues” were at stake. Zelenskyi also reiterated his call for NATO to establish a no-fly zone over Ukraine. “I repeat again: if you don’t close our airspace, it’s only a matter of time before Russian missiles land on their territory.” Zelenskyj also referred to US journalist Brent Renaud, who was killed in an attack on Sunday, and said the attack on Renaud and his colleagues was fully intentional. The next round of talks between Russia and Ukraine is scheduled to take place on Monday morning via video link.

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