Ukraine war: USA imposes more than 500 sanctions against Russia

Ukraine war
USA imposes more than 500 sanctions against Russia

US President Joe Biden blames Putin for Navalny’s death. photo

© Evan Vucci/AP/dpa

The USA has already imposed numerous sanctions against Moscow. Hundreds of new measures against Moscow are now being added – they are aimed, for example, at the arms and financial sectors.

On the second anniversary of the start of the war, the US government imposed… Ukraine and more than 500 new sanctions against Russia and its supporters in response to the death of Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny. “Together with the actions of the US State Department, this is the largest number of sanctions imposed since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine,” the US Treasury Department said.

The sanctions are aimed, among other things, at people linked to Navalny’s imprisonment, the Russian financial sector and the defense industry. US President Joe Biden warned that if Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin does not pay the price for the death and destruction he causes, he will move on.

Sanctions also against supporters

The more than 500 new measures included sanctions against three Russian government officials in connection with Navalny’s death, according to the US Treasury Department. Hundreds of facilities in Russia’s military-industrial sector are also affected by the measures.

In addition to people and entities based in Russia, people outside Russia “who facilitate, orchestrate, participate in or otherwise support the transfer of critical technology and equipment to Russia’s military-industrial base” would also be targeted, the ministry said. These are people and institutions in eleven countries, including China, Serbia, the United Arab Emirates and Liechtenstein.

As a result of the new sanctions, any assets of those affected will be blocked in the USA. US citizens or people located in the United States are prohibited from doing business with the sanctioned companies and individuals. International business also tends to become significantly more difficult for those affected by the sanctions. The US government announced that new export restrictions are also planned for almost 100 companies that supported Russia’s war machine through the back door.

US Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo also announced further sanctions in connection with the Western price cap for Russian oil exports to third countries. The tightening is aimed at “reducing the Kremlin’s revenue while at the same time allowing oil to reach the market.” In response to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, the EU and its G7 partners decided to cap oil prices. The cap is actually intended to force Moscow to sell oil for a maximum of 60 US dollars (55 euros) per barrel (159 liters), i.e. below the world market price. According to experts, there are problems with the implementation of the measure.

The US State Department is also sanctioning those who ensure that Russia continues to have significant sources of energy revenue, the US government said. This money would maintain Russia’s ability to continue its war of aggression against Ukraine. At the same time, it is taking steps to impose visa restrictions on the “alleged Russian-appointed authorities involved in the transfer, deportation and detention of children from Ukraine.”

Aid package still pending

Biden said the measures “will ensure that Putin pays an even higher price for his aggression abroad and his repression at home.” This was badly miscalculated and the “brave Ukrainian people continue to fight and are determined to defend their freedom and their future,” said the US President. The Democrat warned again that Ukraine was running out of ammunition.

That is why the US Congress must urgently approve billions in military aid for Kiev. The aid package, which provides 60 billion US dollars (around 56 billion euros) for Ukraine, has already passed the Senate, the second chamber of parliament. However, the House of Representatives is considered a bigger hurdle. The Republicans are blocking it there.

The USA and other Western countries have already imposed extensive sanctions on Russia. On Wednesday, representatives of the 27 EU member states also agreed on new sanctions against Russia. US President Biden met Navalny’s wife and daughter in California on Thursday. According to authorities, Navalny died in a Siberian prison camp on February 16. He was 47 years old at the time of his death. The cause of death is unclear. Biden blamed Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin for Navalny’s death.


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