Ukraine war: Scholz is under pressure from his own party because of sanctions against Russia

Germany Ukraine war

Scholz is under pressure from his own party because of sanctions against Russia

The United Nations expect up to four million refugees

Hundreds of thousands of people are likely to be displaced within Ukraine and there could be many more. According to the UN refugee agency, more than fifty thousand have already arrived in neighboring EU countries. The governments have set up reception camps there.

Despite the war in Ukraine, Chancellor Olaf Scholz is sticking to his no to excluding Russia from the Swift banking communications network. The Jusos are now criticizing him for it.

BUndescancer Olaf Scholz (SPD) has encountered resistance within his own party with his no to excluding Russia from the Swift banking communications network. Juso chairwoman Jessica Rosenthal called on Saturday to clear the way for this particularly harsh sanction. “We must not shy away from imposing all sanctions at our disposal. This also includes the exclusion of Russia from Swift,” said the head of the SPD youth association of the German Press Agency.

“We can really hurt the Russian government with this. We should meet the demands of our Eastern European partner countries here.” The Young Socialists make up 49 of the 206 SPD members of the Bundestag, i.e. about a quarter.

A comprehensive EU sanctions package came into force on Saturday night, covering the areas of energy, finance and transport as well as export controls for certain products. In addition, the assets of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov are to be frozen abroad. However, the exclusion of Russia from Swift is not yet included. It is considered the sharpest sword of sanctions because it would practically cut off Russian banks from the global financial system.

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At the EU summit on Thursday, Germany rejected such a move. Italy, Austria, Hungary and Cyprus have also been counted among the opponents so far. However, Italy, Austria and Cyprus have since given up resistance. Scholz said on Thursday that sanctions had to be withheld “for a situation where it is necessary to do other things as well”. Scholz did not say what situation he means.

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Rosenthal said the sanctions that had been passed were “a good first step”. In their view, however, it is not sufficient. “However, we are dealing with a war of aggression. Just last night, Putin’s troops tried to take Kiev,” said the Juso chairwoman. “Our solidarity with Ukraine is unquestionable, but words must be followed by unequivocal deeds.”

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