Ukraine War: Russian divers examine Crimean bridge

abroad Ukraine war

Russian divers examine the Crimean bridge

Another attack on the city of Zaporizhia

According to initial reports, at least 17 people were killed in a Russian attack on the city of Zaporizhia. Meanwhile, Russian divers are examining the damage caused by the powerful explosion on the Crimea road-rail bridge.

The explosion on the Crimean bridge means the next escalation in the Russo-Ukrainian war. So far, there has been no reaction from Moscow. Kyiv, on the other hand, reacted mockingly. The situation at a glance.

EA heavy explosion on the Crimean bridge, which is important for Russia, has raised international fears of a further escalation of the conflict. But Moscow failed to provide a quick and clear answer, at least on Saturday. The Ukrainian leadership, for its part, is gloating without officially assuming responsibility for the alleged attack. Traffic over the bridge resumed to a limited extent in the evening.

Zelenskyy leaves open Ukrainian involvement in explosion

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has not revealed his country’s involvement in the explosion on the Crimean bridge. In Ukraine it was mostly sunny and warm, “unfortunately cloudy in Crimea, although warm there too,” he said in his daily video speech, alluding to the morning detonation on the bridge. He did not go into detail about the incident. He then asked the Russians once more to surrender and flee. This is her best option to stay alive. There will be a future without occupiers in Ukraine. “All over our territory, especially in Crimea,” he said.

Source: Infographic WORLD

The Crimean bridge, which is strategically and symbolically important for Russia, was shaken by a heavy explosion early on Saturday morning. Videos show major destruction. The exact background is still unclear. According to Russian sources, a truck exploded. As a result, according to Russian investigators, seven tank wagons with diesel caught fire further away. In addition, parts of the bridge highway fell into the sea. At least three people are said to have been killed.

Explosion on Crimean bridge – “Guess air warfare will now be increased”

The 19-kilometer bridge from the Russian mainland to the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea, annexed by Moscow, is an important bottleneck for Russia – now it has been partially destroyed. “It’s a heavy blow,” says military expert Wolfgang Richter.

Before Zelenskyj, several high-ranking politicians from the Ukrainian president’s circle had already fueled speculation that Kiev was involved in the crime. Ukraine’s Security Council Secretary Oleksiy Danilov posted footage of the partially destroyed structure linking Russia and the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea, annexed by Moscow in 2014, on Facebook on Saturday.

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Besides he posted a video, which shows Hollywood legend Marilyn Monroe (1926 – 1962) singing the birthday song “Happy Birthday, Mr. President” to then-US President John F. Kennedy in 1962. Russian President Vladimir Putin celebrated his 70th birthday on Friday.

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The adviser to the presidential office, Mykhailo Podoliak, initially tweeted: “Everything illegal must be destroyed, everything stolen must be returned to Ukraine.” A few hours later he rowed back with cryptic statements. He portrayed the attack as a competition between the Russian army and the FSB secret service. The FSB was trying to replace the army leadership and was now suddenly struck down because it had overslept the attack on the bridge. “Isn’t it obvious who caused the explosion?” he practiced conspiracy theories.

Putin orders secret service to tighten control over Crimean bridge

Officially, the FSB was not responsible at all. So far, the task has been shared between the Ministry of Defence, the National Guard and the Ministry of Transport. Only after the explosion did Putin instruct the secret service by decree to tighten control over the damaged Crimean bridge. “The FSB will be given powers to organize and coordinate protective measures for the transport route across the Kerch Strait, for the power bridge of the Russian Federation to the Crimea peninsula and the gas pipeline from Krasnodar Territory to Crimea,” the decree said.

It is the first action taken by the Kremlin after the morning’s alleged attack-related explosion. However, the Russian President did not want to comment publicly. According to official information, Putin will not speak to the Russians in the next few days either. Such an appearance is not planned, said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Saturday. Political observers had considered the president’s speech likely given the severe damage to the bridge. In the past, Moscow had threatened Kyiv with serious consequences in the event of an attempted attack on the object.

What will be important on Sunday

Russian divers on Sunday examine the damage caused by the powerful explosion on the road and railway bridge to Crimea. Russian news agencies quote Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin as saying the divers will start work at 06:00 a.m. (local time; 05:00 CEST). A more detailed survey above the waterline is expected to be completed by the end of the day. If the first results are already available on Sunday, there could also be an official – and possibly military – reaction from Moscow. More heavy fighting is expected at the front in southern and eastern Ukraine.

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