++ Ukraine war: Kremlin critic Kasparov appeals to NATO – “It’s already the third world war”

  • OfIsabel Wetzel


Russia continues Ukraine war; violent attacks were reported during the night. Kremlin critic Garry Kasparov calls on NATO to act. The news ticker.

  • Russia* continues the invasion of the Ukraine* continued despite tough sanctions. Power attacks hit Kyiv*, Kharkiv and Mykolayiv.
  • After a week and a half of war, Russia is increasing the pressure in the country with humanitarian blockades Ukraine conflict*.
  • China* Appeals to NATO to take Russia’s security into account when expanding eastwards.

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+++ 12.55 p.m.: Former World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov has long been an outspoken critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin. In a guest article in Die Welt, the Kremlin critic sharply condemned the Ukraine war and appealed to NATO and the EU*. Kasparov criticizes that the “most powerful alliance in history” is only watching the “genocide” that Putin is committing in Ukraine. “This is already the Third World War. Putin started it a long time ago, and Ukraine is just the current front,” he writes in Die Welt.

Garry Kasparov predicts that if the West doesn’t intervene and Russia might win the war in Ukraine, that’s just the beginning. This would prove to Putin that NATO will not stop him – although it could. For the Kremlin critic, there are only two possible outcomes for the Ukraine crisis: Putin’s victory and thus a global catastrophe, or Putin’s fall in Moscow.

Ukraine-News: Russian gas continues to flow west

+++ 12.00 p.m.: According to the state-owned company Gazprom, Russian gas continues to flow west via Ukraine at normal levels. This was reported by the Interfax news agency on Sunday, citing Gazprom spokesman Sergei Kupriyanov. “Gazprom supplies Russian gas for transit through the territory of Ukraine in a regular manner and in accordance with the requirements of European consumers,” the spokesman said. Accordingly, 109.5 million cubic meters of gas should flow on Sunday.

The Ukrainian military evacuates people from the city of Irpin near Kyiv: Heavy attacks from Russia are expected here.

© Adrien Vautier/Imago

+++ 9.30 a.m.: The Ukrainian gas network operator had to shut down 16 gas distribution stations in six major Ukrainian administrative districts – Kyiv, Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Zaporizhia, Donetsk and Luhansk – as a result of the Russian invasion. According to the Kyiv Independent, the operator announced this on Saturday via Telegram.

Putin threatens Ukraine with “end of statehood” – China refers to “Russia’s security”

Update, 9:20 a.m.: China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi said in a phone call with US Secretary of State Tony Blinken on Saturday (March 5, 2022) that the “development” of the situation in Ukraine is “something that China doesn’t want to see”. The US broadcaster CNN published a corresponding statement by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

China’s foreign minister also called on the US, NATO and the EU to “pay attention to the negative effects of NATO’s continued eastward expansion on Russia’s security”.

Ukraine war: Violent attacks on Kyiv – Putin threatens Selenskyj

First report from Sunday, March 6th, 2022: Kyiv – Russia is relentlessly pursuing the war in Ukraine a week and a half after invading the neighboring country. In spite of tough international sanctions* and worldwide criticism Wladimir Putin* continued his goals and threatened the President Volodymyr Zelenskyy* now even with the loss of Ukrainian sovereignty, an “end of statehood” of Ukraine.

On Sunday (March 6th, 2022), Russian armed forces are trying to encircle the major Ukrainian cities of Kyiv, Kharkiv and Mykolaiv. There were violent attacks in the surrounding regions during the night, according to the Ukrainian armed forces. Attacks were also reported during the night in the Sumy region in north-eastern Ukraine. According to the information, more than a million people have already left Ukraine, and the wave of refugees will not stop for the time being.

War in Ukraine: humanitarian situation in besieged cities worsens

The humanitarian situation in the besieged cities, especially in the important port city of Mariupol, is catastrophic. The emergency director of Doctors Without Borders (MSF), Laurent Ligozat, told the afp news agency that there was no water or electricity in the city and food was scarce. The mayor repeatedly asked for help on Saturday, stressing the importance of providing a humanitarian corridor for evacuation. He reported thousands of injuries and numerous deaths.

On Saturday (03/05/2022) the Russian military granted Ukraine a ceasefire here, which did not last long. Ukrainian authorities accused Russia of not fully complying with the agreed ceasefire. Putin accuses Ukraine of sabotage. The city of Mariupol announced that the evacuation of around 200,000 people had to be postponed “for security reasons”.

War in Ukraine: Volodymyr Zelenskyy calls Joe Biden

In view of the worsening situation, the Ukrainian head of state Volodymyr Zelenskyj again asked for Western support. With a view to financial aid and the “continuation of sanctions” against Russia, he again spoke to the President of the USA*, Joe Biden*, phoned, he tweeted.

Kyiv is demanding even tougher punitive measures against Russia from the Western community, especially against its energy sector. The appeal of the Ukrainian government to the Nato* The Western alliance has refused to set up a no-fly zone, citing the threat of further escalation of the conflict. Putin stressed on Saturday (05.03.2022) that the creation of a no-fly zone over Ukraine is a red line for Moscow. (iwe) *fr.de is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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