Ukraine War: Kills in attacks on Irpin

Status: 03/06/2022 10:46 p.m

Artillery attacks on the small town of Irpin, north-west of Kyiv, have apparently killed civilians. After another ceasefire failed, the situation in Mariupol has meanwhile deteriorated.

According to the Reuters news agency, there have been artillery attacks in the suburb of Irpin, northwest of the Ukrainian capital Kyiv. Men, women and children fleeing the fierce fighting in the region tried to take cover. In pictures taken by a photographer from the “New York Times” on Twitter, dead people were seen on the streets of the small town, including children.

Irpin is about 25 kilometers northwest of Kyiv. There had been attacks on the city before. A bridge leading out of the city is completely destroyed. Only an improvised route leads across their remains, which numerous people try to use to flee the city. Images from the AFP news agency showed soldiers and local residents helping elderly people over the rubble, while more artillery fire could be heard in the distance.

Situation in Mariupol worsens

Meanwhile, the situation in the surrounded port city of Mariupol in the southeast of the country has deteriorated after two artillery attacks on the small town of Irpin, northwest of Kyiv, apparently killed civilians. After another ceasefire failed, the situation in Mariupol has meanwhile deteriorated.

After the planned start of the evacuation, pro-Russian separatists reported that around 300 people had left the city. The authorities in Mariupol have not confirmed this information. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) described the second attempt to evacuate Mariupol as unsuccessful. “Today’s attempt to begin relocation of an estimated 200,000 people has failed,” the ICRC tweeted.

“We saw that the ceasefire lasted 30 minutes,” Serhiy Orlov/Deputy Mayor Mariupol

daily topics 11:30 p.m., 6.3.2022

Selenskyj warns of attacks on Odessa

Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has warned of impending rocket attacks on the Black Sea port of Odessa. French President Emmanuel Macron had previously expressed concern in a telephone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin about a possible imminent attack on the city, as the Presidential Office in Paris announced.

The Russian army apparently also tried to advance further towards the capital Kyiv and encircle it. According to British intelligence circles, the Russians attacked densely populated areas similar to those in Syria or in the Chechen war. However, the Ukrainian resistance continues to delay the advance of the Russian troops. Russia denies targeting civilians.

conflicting parties as a source

In the current situation, information on the course of the war, shelling and casualties provided by official bodies of the Russian and Ukrainian conflict parties cannot be directly checked by an independent body.

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