Ukraine War: Conversation with the Russian Author Lyudmila Ulitzkaja – Culture

The writer Lyudmila Ulitzkaja, born in Davlekanovo in 1943 and raised in Moscow, left Russia a few days ago. She had previously protested against her country’s war of aggression against Ukraine, calling it a “disgrace”. She currently lives in Berlin. her literary career she started at the age of fifty, in many of her books the characters live in the time of the Soviet Union, in her novel “Jakobsleiter” she explores the history of her family under Stalinism after discovering her grandparents’ letters. Her new collection of stories “Alissa buys her death” has just been published by Hanser Verlag. She and her translator came to the interview in the library room of a light-flooded old building in Pankow.

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