Ukraine war: 800 million US military aid for Ukraine – SPD “does not fundamentally rule out” tank deliveries

Of the former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev reacts angrily to the Arrest of pro-Russian politician Viktor Medvedchuk in Ukraine and raises serious allegations against Kyiv.

“Some freaks calling themselves the ‘Ukrainian government’ declare that they want to beat a confession out of Viktor Medvedchuk, sentence him ‘quickly and fairly’ and then exchange them for prisoners,” Medvedev writes on his Telegram channel. The spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, accuses Kyiv of using torture methods – without providing any evidence.

Medvedchuk was one of the most influential politicians in Ukraine for many years and is also considered the closest ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin in the country.

Photo: Yekaterina Shtukina / Pool Sputnik Government / AP / dpa (from February 22)

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