Ukraine: Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s closest confidants – Politics

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky surprised many with courage, leadership and confidence. But he is not alone. Who are the people who advise and support him?


Frank Nienhuysen

Now is not the time for fancy suits. Michailo Podoljak wears an olive-green parka and films himself on a short walk through the city. The adviser to President Volodymyr Zelensky walks past Wilhelminian style house facades, wrought-iron balcony railings and closed shops. There are no passers-by to be seen, but two other men in olive green who are walking with him, with paper cups and steaming coffee in their hands, trophies of small everyday happiness. One of them is David Arakhmiya, faction leader of the ruling Servant of the People party, the other is Kirill Tymoshenko, deputy chief of the presidency. They actually went out to get coffee. To create a second impression of normality, to spread confidence in the population before the next siren wails. So Podoliak walks, smiles and says: “Kyiv is always beautiful. Even in times of war.”

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