Ukraine: USA, France and Germany want to deliver tanks – politics

defense policy


What you need to know about the tank deliveries now

Reading time: 4 mins

Defense policy: Germany will provide Ukraine with armored personnel carriers of the type "marten" deliver.

Germany will deliver Marder armored personnel carriers to Ukraine.

(Photo: Philipp Schulze/dpa)

The USA, France and Germany will soon supply Ukraine with western-style armored personnel carriers and reconnaissance vehicles. The governments have confirmed this. All details about M2 Bradley, AMX-10 RC and Marder at a glance.

by Georg Ismar

Paul-Anton Krüger and Nicolas Richter, Berlin

For a long time now, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has been demanding western-style tanks from the Europeans and the United States. This is the only way his country can effectively defend itself against the Russian occupiers, he argues. In fact, long-range western artillery, both howitzers and multiple rocket launchers, gave the Ukrainians decisive advantages on the battlefield and made it possible to recapture large areas in the east and south of the country.

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