Ukraine under fire: People have had to run for their lives for days – politics abroad

It is the second weekend since the beginning of the war that the Ukrainians have to endure under fire.

The Russian attacks in Kharkiv, Irpin and Mariupol are particularly bad. But in other cities in the Ukraine, too People have been in shelters for days.

On the eleventh day of Vladimir Putin’s (69) bloody war in Ukraine, 1.5 million people are now fleeing. However, this is not without danger: on Sunday morning, fleeing Ukrainians in Irpin were shot at.


Escape from the city, only eight kilometers from Kyiv, which is threatened by the Russian armed forces, is difficult. The central bridge over the Irpin River was blown up, people have to get to the other side over the remains of concrete and metal.

The shock on Sunday morning: CNN correspondent Clarissa Ward (42) reports that the very route that so many people use to flee Irpin is shot at. The pictures once again make it clear: the Russian troops shoot at everything that moves completely indiscriminately.

The people of Irpin have to flee over the remains over a bridgePhoto: Vadim Ghirda/AP

A man fleeing Irpin has to take cover from Russian fire during the evacuation

A man fleeing Irpin has to take cover from Russian fire during the evacuationPhoto: picture alliance / AA

People from Irpin try to flee from Putin's troops via the only possible route, the Ukrainian military tries to protect them from Russian fire as best they can

People from Irpin try to flee from Putin’s troops via the only possible route, the Ukrainian military tries to protect them from Russian fire as best they canPhoto: Getty Images


The north-east Ukrainian city of Kharkiv has also been under constant fire from Putin’s troops for days. In the night to Sunday, several houses burned again. The city is a single field of rubble.

The head of the Ukrainian delegation for talks with Russia had raised hopes on Saturday that a humanitarian corridor would soon leave the city. “God willing” there will be a corridor on Sunday, wrote David Arachamija on Facebook on Sunday night. However, that didn’t happen.

In Kharkiv, almost the entire city was destroyed by Russian shelling – housing estates and schools were hit repeatedly.

The city of Kharkiv was completely destroyed by Russian rocket fire

The city of Kharkiv was completely destroyed by Russian rocket firePhoto: @sashasasha127/Twitter

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The situation in the eastern Ukrainian city of Mariupol is dramatic. BILD reporter Paul Ronzheimer said on BILD LIVE: “There is no water and no more electricity.” The people in Mariupol can no longer heat either. Kremlin despot Putin wants to “bomb the city completely to pieces” and has already started to do so.

Ronzheimer then said: “If you look at the damage to the buildings in Mariupol, how everything has already been reduced to rubble and ash, you can imagine what is still to come here in Kyiv.”

In the eastern Ukrainian city of Mariupol, two children are wrapped in blankets - the city has been cut off from the water supply for days and thousands of people are without heating

In the eastern Ukrainian city of Mariupol, two children are wrapped in blankets – the city has been cut off from water and electricity for days, and thousands of people are without heatingPhoto: Evgeniy Maloletka/AP

► According to the aid organization Doctors Without Borders (MSF), the humanitarian situation in Mariupol is “catastrophic”. MSF emergency coordinator in Ukraine Laurent Ligozat told AFP on Saturday that the situation in the big city was “worsening by the day”. It is “essential” that the civilian population is taken out of the city via a humanitarian corridor.

Two attempts to evacuate civilians in the city, on Saturday and Sunday, failed because the agreed ceasefire was repeatedly broken.

Demonstrations against the occupiers

Meanwhile, in the Ukrainian cities occupied by Russian troops, the Ukrainians are rebelling against their occupiers. In several cities there were large demonstrations with many Ukrainian flags.

In Nowa Kakhovka in southern Ukraine, near the city of Cherson, which has also been occupied for several days, there were clear protests against Russian troops on Sunday. The occupiers reacted with violence, shooting into the crowd to disperse them. According to eyewitnesses, five people were injured.

Vinnytsia airport destroyed

The airport in the central Ukrainian city of Vinnytsia, around 200 kilometers southwest of Kyiv, was destroyed by Russian rocket attacks on Sunday afternoon. The airport was used for both civil and military purposes.

“The airport has been completely destroyed,” said Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (44) in a video message on his Telegram channel. Accordingly, eight rockets were fired at the site.

Vinnytsia Airport was completely destroyed in a missile attack by Russia

Vinnytsia Airport was completely destroyed in a missile attack by RussiaPhoto: twitter/nexta_tv

Second invasion convoy on the way

Meanwhile, there is also bad news for the residents of the capital Kyiv.

After Ukrainian soldiers were able to partially recapture the suburbs of Irpin, Bucha and Hostomel in the past few days, Russia’s dictator launched a new attack on the strategically important cities on Sunday.

Ukrainian activist network “EuromaidanPR” said: “Hostomel (about. 30 km from Kyiv, Amn. i.e. editor): Russian terrorists with more than 200 military vehicles entered the city. Clashes with Ukrainian forces have begun.”

This confirms the dire fears of the people of Kiev: Putin has not yet given up on conquering the city. Despite massive losses and a total failure of his army in the first phase of the war, he tries to advance further towards the metropolis.

Zelenskyi: Russians ‘prepare to bomb Odessa’

Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy has accused Russian troops of preparing to bomb the historic Black Sea port city of Odessa as concerns rise over the capital, Kyiv.

“They are preparing to bomb Odessa. Odessa!” said the head of state in a video message on Sunday. “It’s going to be a war crime, it’s going to be a historic crime.”

Hope in the midst of war: marriage at the front

Nevertheless, there was a tiny glimmer of hope during the devastating war situation in Ukraine on Sunday. BILD took part in a moving moment of happiness between heavily armed soldiers near Kyiv.

In the midst of war, destruction, but also the courage to fight: a wedding at the front!

► Lesya and Valerij have been together for a long time, fighting in a civil defense unit these days. Their wedding date had been set for a long time – and they decided to keep it and tie the knot today.

Postpone the wedding because of Putin? It’s out of the question! They celebrate life and love. And got congratulations from Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko (50).

Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko congratulates Ukrainian Territorial Defense soldiers Valerij and Lesya on their wedding near the checkpoint on the outskirts of Kyiv March 6

Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko congratulates Ukrainian territorial defense soldiers Valery and Lesya on their wedding near the checkpoint on the outskirts of Kyiv March 6, 2022Photo: GENYA SAVILOV/AFP

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