Ukraine: Russian warplanes shoot down cruise missiles

Attack on multiple regions
According to information from Kiev: Russian warplanes shoot down cruise missiles

Ukraine, Kiev: Volodymyr Zelenskyj speaks at a celebration of Ukrainian Independence Day on August 24. Several regions were attacked with Russian cruise missiles on Sunday.


Moscow is said to have attacked several regions in Ukraine with cruise missiles early on Sunday morning. A total of eight rockets may have been fired.

Several regions in the Ukraine reportedly came under fire from Russian cruise missiles early Sunday morning. Among other things, air defenses were activated in the outskirts of Kiev, as the military administration of the Ukrainian capital announced on Telegram. According to the information, ten houses, two cars and a hall with agricultural machinery were damaged by falling rocket parts in the area surrounding the capital. Two people were slightly injured.

The Ukrainian Air Force said the cruise missiles were launched by Russian fighter jets near the town of Engels on the Volga. A total of eight missiles were observed. Four of them were shot down over northern and central Ukraine. Nevertheless, no impacts were reported. Some of the guided missiles could have been dummies, it said. Such military information can usually not be independently verified.

The governor of Cherkasy, Ihor Taburez, also wrote in his Telegram channel that the central Ukrainian region had activated air defenses. Russia has been waging a brutal war of aggression against the neighboring country for around 18 months.


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