Ukraine-Russia conflict: telephone diplomacy in chords |

Status: 02/13/2022 8:34 p.m

In order to prevent an escalation in the Ukraine crisis, heads of government pick up the phone every day these days: US President Biden has now again assured his Ukrainian counterpart Zelensky of US solidarity.

After a phone call with Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin on Saturday, US President Joe Biden has now also spoken to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The White House then said that Biden had again emphasized the US commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. The United States and its partners would respond quickly and decisively to any Russian aggression against Ukraine.

The US government is warning of an impending Russian invasion of Ukraine with increasing drama. Selenskyj had recently been irritated by the alarming tones from Washington and warned against fomenting panic. That only helps the enemy.

Despite diplomatic efforts, there is no relaxation in the NATO-Russia conflict

Demian von Osten, ARD Moscow, daily news at 8:00 p.m., February 13, 2022

So far no breakthrough in talks

Biden spent the weekend at Camp David, the country home of the US presidents in the state of Maryland. On Saturday he called Putin from there, warned the Russian president against an invasion of Ukraine and once again threatened serious consequences. The conversation did not bring a breakthrough in the crisis.

The foreign and defense ministers of both countries had also phoned each other. In addition, French President Macron picked up the phone and spoke to Scholz and Selenskyj. In addition, in a telephone call to Putin, he again warned of the possible consequences of Russian aggression.

Kremlin denies allegations

In view of the deployment of tens of thousands of Russian soldiers on the border with Ukraine, the US government warned on Friday that Russia could possibly attack the neighboring country before the end of the Winter Olympics on February 20. The Kremlin has vehemently denied such allegations.

It is also considered possible that Russia wants to create a threatening environment in order to enforce its own security requirements. For example, Moscow is demanding an end to NATO’s eastward expansion and a waiver of Ukraine’s possible inclusion in the western military alliance.

Putin refers to peace plan

According to Moscow, in his conversation with Biden on Saturday, Putin complained that western states were not putting the necessary pressure on Ukraine to fulfill its obligations under the so-called Minsk peace plan for eastern Ukraine.

To Moscow’s annoyance, Kiev has so far refused to conduct direct negotiations with the pro-Russian separatists in the east of the country – for example with regard to the planned elections for the breakaway areas.

Demian von Osten, ARD Moscow, “The diplomatic efforts continue”

Tagesschau 5:50 p.m., February 13, 2022

Scholz travels to Kiev and Moscow

At the beginning of the week, Chancellor Olaf Scholz also wants to campaign for a peaceful solution when he travels to Kiev and Moscow. The federal government assesses the situation in the Ukraine crisis as extremely dangerous. The “very worrying overall picture” will significantly shape the talks with Presidents Zelenskyy and Putin on Monday and Tuesday, according to government circles.

In addition, the Ukraine was given the prospect of further armaments aid. On a wish list for military equipment presented by Ukraine there is one or the other thing that you can take a closer look at,” it said according to consistent media reports from German government circles. This is now being examined.

Wishlist of Ukraine

The Ukrainian embassy’s list includes a number of armaments, including anti-aircraft missile systems, anti-drone guns and ammunition. However, these also include goods that are clearly not deadly weapons: These include electronic tracking systems, mine clearance equipment, protective suits, digital radios, radar stations or night vision devices.

In addition to the political decision, it is also about the actual availability of this material, which is also used by the Bundeswehr itself. The situation is that “there is nothing left in the Bundeswehr at the moment. There are not a thousand night vision devices lying around that are not needed,” quoted the AFP news agency from government circles.

Germany promises economic aid

However, Scholz is unlikely to make any commitments during his initial visit to Kiev, it said.

The situation is different with further economic aid, which is also being demanded by Ukraine. In view of the political turbulence, the Ukrainian currency is under pressure. Germany is therefore examining “whether we still have bilateral opportunities to make a contribution to economic support”. Details were not given.

Since 2014, Germany has already provided almost two billion euros for Ukraine and is Ukraine’s largest bilateral donor. At that time, the federal government also provided the state with a credit line of 500 million euros. Of this, around 350 million euros have been paid out so far. A final tranche of a further 150 million euros is expected in the foreseeable future.

Scholz calls on Russia to de-escalate

Andreas Reuter, ARD Berlin, February 13, 2022 9:05 p.m

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