Ukraine: Preparations for Ukrainian counter-offensive completed, according to Zelenskyy

war in Ukraine
Zelenskyy: Preparations for Ukrainian counter-offensive have been completed

Zelenskyj sees Ukraine ready for counter-offensive

© Kay Nietfeld / DPA

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has announced the completion of preparations for his country’s long-awaited counter-offensive against Russian invading troops – but at the same time has warned of high losses.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy sees the country ready for the long-awaited counter-offensive to liberate its territories from Russian occupation. “I think we’re ready for it today,” he said in an interview with the “Wall Street Journal,” which the US newspaper also published as a video on its website on Saturday. Zelenskyi also said that Ukraine would have liked to have some more weapons for the offensive against the Russian invasion, but could not wait more months for their delivery.

Selenskyj is confident

“We believe very much in success, I don’t know how long it takes us,” he said. At the same time, he pointed out that it could take time and that the price of success would be high. There has been speculation for months about the beginning of the offensive, but at times it was said in Kiev that the operation was already underway.

At the same time, Zelenskyy again called for significantly more US Patriot-type air defense systems, in the interview he mentioned the number 50. This week, at numerous meetings with Western heads of state and government, he also advocated a “Patriot” coalition to protect Ukrainian airspace pronounced. The costs are likely to amount to the equivalent of hundreds of millions of euros. Zelenskyy said the Patriot missiles offered the best protection and could stop Russia’s terror.

“50 Patriot batteries – and the majority of people don’t die”

“Today, Patriot is the only weapon capable of stopping some of the types of missiles that the Russian Federation is using against our civilian population, schools, infrastructure and energy systems,” he told WSJ. “50 Patriot batteries – and the majority of people don’t die.” According to the US television station CNN, Ukraine is currently using two Patriot systems.

In the Russian war of aggression that has been going on for more than 15 months, Moscow has fired more rockets and drones at Ukraine and especially at Kiev in the past few days than at any time since the beginning of the invasion. The Ukrainian air defense repeatedly reported that all or almost all of these flying objects had been shot down thanks to the western defense systems. Nevertheless, there were dead and injured. Debris from missiles and drones that have been launched also leave behind massive damage to buildings, cars and roads.


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