Ukraine-News: Moscow denies tensions between army and Wagner

According to British estimates, Ukrainian and Russian forces continue to pay a high price for their offensives in eastern Ukraine. “Over the past six weeks, both Russia and Ukraine have made hard-fought but limited gains on various fronts,” the UK MoD said in its daily intelligence update. However, there is a lack of units for larger gains in terrain. “Under these circumstances, a key challenge for both sides is to form formations of unattached, capable troops that can use tactical successes to achieve operational breakthroughs,” the ministry said.

According to London sources, Ukrainian units were probably still holding positions in Soledar north of the embattled town of Bakhmut in the Donetsk region yesterday. Troops from the Wagner mercenary group in particular continued to attack there. Fighting also continued around Kreminna in the Luhansk region. Here Ukrainian forces would advance slowly. The information cannot be independently verified.

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