Ukraine-News: Cherson: Russian administration wants to set up paramilitary homeland defense

The co-leader of the SPD, Saskia Esken, is against a resumption of gas supplies from Russia after the end of the war. “Even after the war, we will clearly not build up our dependence on Russian energy supplies again,” says Esken in the “early start” of RTL and ntv. “We are glad that we have now taken the most important steps to get out of there.”

Saxon Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) spoke out at the weekend in favor of getting gas from Russia again after the war via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline. Esken says: “We have to become self-sufficient in our energy supply and no longer dependent on a state.” Dependence on Russia for gas supplies was “a big mistake”. “We shouldn’t think about doing it again.”

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