Ukraine-News: According to British intelligence: Moscow’s anti-aircraft missiles endanger civilians in Ukraine

war in Ukraine
British intelligence: Russia uses anti-aircraft defenses against ground targets – for lack of missiles

Image released by Russia’s state news agency Sputnik shows a Buk anti-aircraft missile launcher in the city in northern Crimea (archive image)

© Konstantin Mihalchevskiy/Sputnik/DPA

Grain from Ukraine: Agreement in sight +++ Ukrainian economy and currency under pressure +++ Selenskyj is doubly optimistic +++ The news about Russia’s war in Ukraine in the stern live blog.

The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine is entering its 149th day.

The export of millions of tons of grain from the war-torn Ukraine is to be jointly monitored by the conflicting parties under UN leadership. An agreement to end Russia’s grain blockade in the Black Sea, due to be signed today, provides for a joint control center in Istanbul to be led by the United Nations and staffed by representatives from Russia, Ukraine and Turkey. Details of the EU’s new sanctions against Russia have also been made public.

The envisaged agreement on the Ukrainian grain deliveries provides that the precise coordinates for the humanitarian corridor on the sea route between Ukraine and the Bosphorus will also be determined in the control center in Istanbul. In addition, the parties agreed that ships bound for Ukraine would first be searched in Istanbul to ensure that they were not carrying weapons or the like.

Day 149 in the Ukraine War


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