Ukraine defends itself against Kharkiv offensive: “Russians are dying in droves”

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Russia launched the Kharkiv offensive in the Ukraine war. Zelensky swears in the defenders, but soldiers report retreats.

Kharkiv – The current situation in the Ukraine war is confusing due to the recent Kharkiv offensive: Western analysts currently suspect that numerous villages may have already fallen to Vladimir Putin’s army. There have also been reports of fighting on the city limits of Kharkiv. However, Russia’s latest advance in its war of aggression is encountering bitter resistance. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj has declared crushing the Russian offensive in the east of the country as “task number one” and reported counterattacks that are intended to thwart Russian plans.

Ukraine defends itself against Kharkiv offensive: Zelensky swears in soldiers in the Ukrainian war

“Completing this task depends on every soldier, every non-commissioned officer and every officer,” Zelensky said on Saturday in his evening video address on the situation near Kharkiv. “Our troops have been carrying out counterattacks there for two days to defend Ukrainian territory.” At the same time, he swore his soldiers to the coming fighting in the Ukrainian war: “Smashing the Russian offensive plans is now the number one task,” said Zelensky. It is about the destruction of Russian equipment and the “neutralization” of Russian forces. “The occupier must feel that it will not be easy for him anywhere in Ukraine.”

The Kharkiv offensive has begun in the Ukraine war. Many villages are affected by fighting. In Vovchansk (photo) several buildings were destroyed by Russia’s attack. © Evgeniy Maloletka/AP/dpa

Since Friday, May 10th Vladimir Putin’s forces in the Ukrainian war on the Kharkiv offensive passed over. Individuals should Troops denied involvement in the attacks have, but current maps of the situation in Russia’s war of aggression show the successes of Russian military operations. At the same time, it can be seen that the violation is currently not aimed at the city of Kharkiv itself: Rather, it can be seen that Russia’s plan is to persuade Ukraine to withdraw its forces from other sectors of the front in order to strengthen the defense near Kharkiv. As a result, Russia could move to force a breakthrough in other areas in the coming days.

Situation near Kharkiv unclear: offensive in the Ukraine war is creating momentum

What exactly the situation is like near Kharkiv cannot currently be accurately stated: the situation is considered dynamic and can change hourly. ISW experts recently stated in an analysis that Russia would conduct “relatively limited offensive operations” in the Kharkiv offensive. However, the progress in this regard is of “tactically significant” extent, but will probably be limited to less well-defended areas. On Saturday, the Russian Defense Ministry confirmed the offensive in the Ukraine war and spoke of major terrain gains. The Ukrainian General Staff did not provide any further information about the current situation on these sectors of the front in its situation report on Saturday evening.

Both sides are currently trying to present the situation in Russia’s war of aggression to their respective advantage. The information cannot currently be independently verified. The regional military chief responsible for Kharkiv reported on Telegram about massive Russian artillery attacks on various villages in the border area. Vovchansk in particular is repeatedly hit by artillery and rockets. Despite the Kharkiv offensive, Ukraine is continuing its attacks on Russia’s refineries.

Advance near Kharkiv in the Ukraine war: Ukrainian special forces report retreat

While official information from Ukraine on the Russian advance near Kharkiv is rare or only reports of successful defenses in the Ukrainian war, Ukrainian special forces are speaking according to the Kyiv Post from the withdrawal of Ukrainian forces from several positions. “The Russians are dying in droves, but they are still pushing and succeeding in some places. The night will be very difficult,” said a report on Saturday. It is unclear how many Russian soldiers actually died in the offensive. Loud Ukrainska Prava However, 1,260 Russian units are said to have been killed or injured in fighting in the Ukraine War within one day.

Other soldiers from Ukraine also say in Telegram channels or on social media that the defenders have partially withdrawn from the border villages. On Saturday evening, the situation in Hlyboke, a community near the dam of the Travyansky reservoir, was said to be particularly challenging.

Impact of Kharkiv offensive on Ukraine war still unclear

It is currently unclear what impact the Kharkiv offensive will have on the situation in the Ukraine war. Zelensky recently again called for Western support for defense in Russia’s war of aggression and insisted on new arms deliveries. “What really helps are weapons actually delivered to Ukraine, not just the announcement of such weapons packages.” Just a few days ago, the USA put together another aid package worth around $400 million (around €371 million). (fbu/dpa)

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