Ukraine conflict: France supports Romania – politics

This Thursday, France wants to specify its plans to send troops to Romania as part of a future NATO mission. “France is ready to commit to new NATO security measures for Romania,” said Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian in his speech to the Romanian Parliament on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of Romania’s accession to the EU.

“We are proud to stand by you when the security situation deteriorates along your borders, which are also our borders.” The government in Paris has offered to lead the mission. The US has already deployed troops to Poland, Romania and a smaller contingent to Germany. (03.02.2022)

Erdoğan offers himself as a mediator

Amid high tensions in the Ukraine conflict, diplomatic efforts to find a peaceful solution continue. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky in Kiev this Thursday. In addition to trade relations, the crisis between Ukraine and neighboring Russia should also be discussed. Erdoğan had already offered several times to act as a mediator. The Kremlin recently welcomed talks between Turkey and Ukraine.

NATO member Turkey maintains good relations with both Ukraine and Russia. According to government circles, Erdoğan will not side with either side. Turkey expects tensions to ease after the talks. The Turkish President will call on both sides to exercise restraint and wants to continue cooperation with both countries.

Erdoğan described a possible Russian intervention as “not realistic” and a wrong step. To the anger of the Kremlin, Turkey has repeatedly criticized the Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014 and repeatedly insisted on Ukraine’s independence – also because the Muslim minority of the Crimean Tatars has historically been closely linked to their southern neighbor on the Black Sea.

However, Turkey also has a strong interest in good relations with Moscow: most tourists come from Russia, and Moscow is also the largest supplier of gas. In 2020, almost 34 percent of gas imports came from there. (03.02.2022)

Ex-SPD leader Gabriel sees Nord Stream 2 as a pawn in the Ukraine conflict

Former SPD leader Sigmar Gabriel is against stopping the commissioning of the controversial Nord Stream 2 Baltic Sea pipeline prematurely because of the Ukraine conflict. “No one will open Nord Stream 2 if Russia invades Ukraine. Conversely, it would be pretty stupid to take the project off the table now, because if you want to negotiate, you also have to have something to offer,” Gabriel told the magazine business week. (03.02.2022)

Biden wants to move additional troops

US President Joe Biden wants to move more troops to Central and Eastern Europe. According to the US Department of Defense, around 2,000 soldiers are to be sent from the USA to Germany and Poland. In turn, 1,000 US soldiers would be transferred from Germany to Romania.

The troop transfer is a sign to the Eastern European allies in NATO, who feel threatened by a possible push by the Russian army across the Russian-Ukrainian border. The troop transfers would be made in the coming days, said Pentagon spokesman John Kirby. They are an “unmistakable signal” to the world that the United States stands by its allies. Any action against a NATO state would trigger the defense alliance’s duty of assistance, Kirby emphasized. “We make it clear that we will stand ready to defend our NATO allies should that come to pass. Hopefully it won’t come to that,” Kirby said.

The spokesman added that the deployment of Russian troops near the Ukrainian border continues unchanged “even for the past 24 hours”. The current situation therefore requires that the “deterrence and defense readiness on NATO’s eastern flank” be strengthened. The transfers are not permanent, but if necessary more troops could be called in.

On Biden’s orders, 8,500 soldiers in the United States were put on increased readiness last week to enable rapid transfer to Europe if necessary. Biden had emphasized that it was a precautionary measure. The President and other members of the government have repeatedly made it clear that no US soldiers would be sent to Ukraine. Pentagon spokesman Kirby explained that the troops that have now been deployed can be seen separately from these 8,500 soldiers.

Tens of thousands of US soldiers are regularly stationed in Europe, including around 35,000 in Germany, even outside of times of crisis. With more than 100,000 Russian troops deployed near Ukraine, fears are growing in the West that Russia is planning an invasion of its neighbor. The Kremlin denies that. However, it is also considered possible that Moscow only wants to stir up fears in order to persuade the NATO states to make concessions on demands for new security guarantees. (02/02/2022)

The US and NATO consider most of the Russian demands to be unacceptable

The Spanish Newspaper El País has published the previously classified responses from NATO and the US to Russia’s proposals for new security agreements. The documents published online According to them, the Americans and the military alliance make it clear that they do not accept most of the Russian proposals.

At the same time, NATO and the USA are open to concrete negotiations and new agreements. According to its response to Russia, the United States is prepared to rule out the permanent stationing of combat troops and ground-based missile systems in Ukraine, if Moscow also makes the corresponding commitments. An end to the current Russian troop deployment on the borders with Ukraine is mentioned by NATO and the USA as a prerequisite for successful negotiations. According to the NATO response, this is central to significant progress. The authenticity of the documents was confirmed to the German Press Agency from alliance circles.

With more than 100,000 troops deployed near Ukraine, fears are growing in the West that the Kremlin is planning an invasion of the former Soviet republic. However, it is also considered possible that fears are only being stirred up in order to persuade the NATO states to make concessions when demands for new security guarantees are made. Moscow wants to get NATO to rule out further easter expansion and, in particular, the admission of Ukraine. It also calls for a withdrawal of NATO troops from eastern alliance states. (02/02/2022)

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