UK: Spacey charged with sexual assault

Status: 05/26/2022 6:45 p.m

Allegations of sexual assault against Hollywood actor Spacey were first made in 2017. Now prosecutors in the UK have brought charges against him for sexually assaulting three men on four counts.

It is about sexual assaults that are said to have taken place in London between March 2005 and August 2008 and in the west of England in April 2013. The British public prosecutor’s office in London announced that it had therefore brought charges against US actor Kevin Spacey for sexually assaulting three men in four counts.

In one of the cases, he was charged with causing a person to engage in sexual activity without their consent.

A spokeswoman for the prosecutor’s office said the indictment was preceded by a review of evidence collected by London police. The alleged victims are now in their 30s and 40s. Spacey was questioned by British police in 2019 after allegations by several men. The men had accused him of assault.

Dramatic career crash

Some of the acts are said to have been committed in the Lambeth area of ​​London. It’s home to the Old Vic Theater, which Spacey was Artistic Director from 2004 to 2015. Allegations of sexual assault were made against the 62-year-old Oscar winner in the United States in 2017 as part of the MeToo debate.

The allegations had serious consequences for Spacey: He lost his leading role in the Netflix series “House of Cards”, fell out of favor in the industry and experienced a dramatic career crash.

Actor Anthony Rapp also accused Spacey of sexually assaulting him at a party in the 1980s. Spacey denied the allegations. He is currently trying to have Rapp’s lawsuit dismissed in New York.

In the summer of 2021, the two-time Oscar winner (“The Usual Suspects”, “American Beauty”) was back in front of the camera for the first time since the allegations.

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