UFOs in North America: “Like shooting sparrows with cannons”

Mysterious UFOs in American airspace, several launches, a spokesman for the US military who does not want to rule out extraterrestrial visits. The alien believers are very excited, also in this country. Only one remains as calm as a weather balloon: Hans-Werner Peiniger, the legend of German UFO research. How come?

Mr. Peiniger, strange flying objects over the USA that are being liquidated by air squadrons. Your first reaction when you heard about it?
I was actually just amazed that the immediate launch was ordered. It’s not exactly cheap, such an action. A ground-to-air missile certainly costs around 400,000 dollars, so the total use is a lot of money. To me it was like shooting at sparrows with a cannon. You might as well have done that with a crossbow. But well, I’ve been around for a long time and we’ve seen such hypes again and again since the 1950s.

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