Udo Lindenberg: Emotional message against the Ukraine war

Facebook post
Udo Lindenberg: He remembers an old song because of the Ukraine war

Udo Lindenberg with two peace cards. The singer has been campaigning for peace for a long time.

© Wolfgang Langenstrassen/ / Picture Alliance

The Ukraine war is currently occupying many people. Stars like Udo Lindenberg are no exception. The singer has now expressed himself emotionally – and he is reminded of an old song.

It’s been over 40 years since Udo Lindenberg sang his song “Why are wars there for” for the first time. Back then it was about the Cold War, but today the song is more up-to-date than it has been for a long time thanks to the Ukraine war.

Udo Lindenberg sees it that way too: In an emotional Facebook post, the singer commented on the war between Russia and Ukraine, referring to the old song from 1981. “More than 40 years ago I sang the song ‘What are wars for’ for the first time, cold war, nuclear missile forest, 300,000 people at the peace demo in Bonn – now: 500,000 people in Berlin, the biggest wave of protests against this stupid war that’s wrong Kamikaze pilots Putin – that’s very moving.”

Udo Lindenberg: “What are wars for?”

The song says, among other things, “Mr. President, I’m ten years old now // And I’m scared in this forest of nuclear missiles // Tell me the truth, tell me that now // What is my life being risked for? // And this Lives of all the others – tell me why // They load the guns and kill each other // They face each other and could be friends // But before they meet they shoot each other dead // I find it so crazy why does it have to be like this?”

Udo Lindenberg’s message was well received on Facebook, it has now been shared more than 6,000 times and has collected over 1,000 comments. Lindenberg also has a positive, encouraging message for his fans: “The path is very difficult at the moment, but we won’t let anything get us down here in free Europe and we won’t be blackmailed. Let’s believe that it will soon be over – and for all people help in need, who urgently need our help now.”


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