two young police officers beaten up leaving a nightclub

This Saturday around 4:50 a.m., two men were violently attacked by a group of individuals, quai Rambaud (Lyon 7), as they were leaving a nightclub, reports Progress. Aged 21 and 23, the victims are respectively peacekeepers and assistant police officers in Lyon. They were accompanied by a young woman who was taken to task and bothered by individuals. His two friends intervened, and received blows in return.

Knocked to the ground until you passed out

One of them then declared their status as police officers. Far from having a deterrent effect, it redoubled the violence, with individuals punching and kicking them until one of them lost consciousness. The attackers took his bank card before fleeing. Transported to Saint-Joseph hospital, they were given two days of ITT. Three suspects were found and taken into custody.

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